Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 176, 22 April 2013

The installation of the double row of walers continues. The top picture shows the length of the steel walers. I'm not sure if there is a name for the short steel pieces that form a box-like enclosure around the tiebacks. I did a quick Google search of the terms "tiebacks" and "walers" in hopes of finding a labeled diagram, but the results were more odd than helpful: My own pictures from this blog were up near the top of the search results and were accompanied by a few technical diagrams and row after row of pictures of curtain tiebacks. 

It's warm enough today to have a window open, but the work isn't especially loud (at least at the moment) so i haven't had to resort to wearing ear plugs. I'm enjoying listening to the sporadic crackling of the welding torches.

And a little while later, the Bobcat headed back to the north end of the worksite and started excavating some of the dirt. All of this dirt will need to be dug out and carted away before the wall is removed. I'm not certain if another row of tiebacks will need to be installed as more area becomes exposed or if the row that is being finished up now will be sufficient. 

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