Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 228, 13 June 2013

Here's how things looked at ground level this morning as more dirt was dug out for the foundation of the substation and the newly exposed sections of steel paneling were scraped clean.

The demolition of the wall was one of the most spectacular (and noisiest) parts of this project so far, but it turns out that just because it looked like the wall was gone, the job wasn't quite over. This afternoon, the excavator went to work drilling out the foundations of the wall. On a purely selfish level, i am using this as an excuse to avoid my spring cleaning for a few more days, since this part of the job generates a lot of dust and grit.

Finally, i had a sentimental moment today when i noticed the exposed roots of the Ailanthus Altissima  trees that used to grow on the embankment (visible in the lower center of the picture below). They were the first things to go when this project began, and i wrote about them in the first couple of entries in this blog. They were scraggly things, but pretty in their own way, and i liked looking at the world through their leaves.

UPDATE: Rockpile by Moonlight
This big pile of boulders is all that remains of the section of the wall's foundation that the excavator was digging out today. 

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