Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 309: 2 September 2013: Labor Day Special

Happy Labor Day to all the hardworking men and women who have put in long hours on the CTA substation project!

Here is a retrospective look at what you've accomplished so far. 

October 2012: The project begins and the trees are cleared.
November 2012: Work grinds to a halt while some bureaucratic kinks get worked out.
January 2013: Work resumes with a roar as huge steel panels are driven deep into the ground. 
February 2013: Things are quiet for a while as the steel panels are given time to settle.  Measurements are meticulously taken between one worker stationed on the back porch of my building and another on the L tracks, making sure that the steel panels are not shifting.
March 2013: Holes are cut in the steel preparing it for the tiebacks and walers.
April 2013: The magnificent Hütte inserts tiebacks in the midst of a rainstorm.
Also in April 2013: Your humble blogger is rewarded for her literary and photographic labors 
with a lovely pink hardhat.
May 2013: After all the dirt was excavated to street level, the wall came tumbling down.
June 2013: Shear studs are added to the steel panels, as well as a second, lower, row of walers and tiebacks.
July 2013: The steel panels are sandblasted and treated with waterproofing.
August 2013: After an intricate web of rebar is constructed,
concrete is poured to a depth of four feet
for the foundation of the building. 

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